Thursday, 31 May 2007

Well, here I am again

As ever, things haven't quite gone according to plan (to put it mildly) and I find myself back in the UK. How very odd but also quite lovely. Funny how you travel half way across the world just to appreciate what's important to you here. (Although I didn't appreciate myself at the weekend, straight back into London living and was exhausted after multiple bus / tube/ train journeys from north to south and back again, not helped by multiple pinot grigios and marlboro menthols. Yes, you read right. I needed a vice on Raleigh and other than donuts and crackers and peanut butter, they seemed the most rebellious option. I know, I'm so rock and roll. Or maybe just stuck at 15 years old... discuss.)

Anyway, just back from a trip up to Derbyshire to meet Toby's family and Emily, his girlfriend. It's a beautiful part of the world and being there reminded me of a more innocent time when I used to spend my weekends running around in the Dales with Rob. I do love it up there. It was great to meet them and talk about Toby and how he was when he was with them as well as how we were in Borneo. Have uploaded a few pics. Feeling sad for them but thankful he was so loved during his life.